Incunabula & Early Books

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Lot 1
Aesop (c. 620-564 BCE)
Fables with his Life in English, French & Latin.

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Lot 2
Alamanni, Luigi (1495-1556)
La Coltivazione & le Api del S. Giovanni Rucellai.

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Lot 3
Amelot de La Houssaye, Sieur Abraham-Nicolas (1634-1706)
The History of the Government of Venice.

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Lot 4
Antiphonal Manuscript in Wooden Boards.
Missa de Pentecostes.

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Lot 5
Aretino, Pietro (1492-1556)
La Prima [-Seconda] Parte de Ragionamenti.

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Lot 6
Aretino, Pietro (1492-1556)
La Prima [-Seconda] Parte de Ragionamenti.

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Lot 7
Aristaenetus (fl. circa 5th or 6th CE)
Epistolae Graecae. Cum Latina Interpretatione & Notis. Tertia Editio Emendatior & Auctior.

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Lot 8
Ars Memorandi; Johannes Host von Romberch (c. 1480-c. 1533)
Congestorium Artificiose Memorie.

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Lot 9
Art Collection Catalogues, Four Examples.

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Lot 10
Benigni, Fortunato. Author's Presentation Copy with ALS.
Lettera Sugli Scavi Fatti nel Circondario dell'Antica Treja.

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Lot 11
Berenger, Richard (1720-1782)
The History and Art of Horsemanship.

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Lot 12
Berthault, Pierre (1600-1681)
Liber Singularis de Ara.

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Lot 13
Bible, English, Miniature.
The Thumb Bible. Verbum Sempiternum.

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Lot 14
Bible, German, trans. Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Biblia das ist: Die Gantze Heilige Schrifft Deudsch.

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Lot 15
Bible, Illustrated, French & English.
Pictures of the Old and New Testaments, Showing the Most Nottable Historys, in 150 Copper Platis. [sic]

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Lot 16
Bible, Illustrated, Italian.
Historia del Testamento Vecchio e Nuovo, Rappresentata con Figure in Rame.

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Lot 17
Bible, New Testament, Greek.
Nouum Iesv Christi D.N. Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia.

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Lot 18
Bible, Psalms in English. trans. George Wither
The Psalmes of David Translated into Lyrick-Verse.

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Lot 19
Bible, Psalms in English. trans. William Alexander (1567-1640)
The Psalmes of King David translated by King James.

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Lot 20
Bodin, Jean (1529-1596)
De la Demonomanie des Sorciers.

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Lot 21
Brant, Sebastian (1458-1521)
Stultifera Navis.

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Lot 22
Budé, Guillaume (1467-1540)
De Asse, et Partibus eius, Libri V.

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Lot 23
Buonaventura, Federico (1555-1602)
Anemologiae Pars Prior. Id est Affectionibus, Signis, Cavsisque Ventorum ex Aristotle, Theophrasto, ac Ptolomeo Tractatus.

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Lot 24
Capiferreus, Franciscus Magdalenus (d. 1632); Council of Trent.
Elenchus Librorum Omnium tum in Tridentino.

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Lot 25
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616)
The History of the Most Renowned Don Quixote of Mancha: and his Trusty Squire Sancho Pancha.

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Lot 26
Children's Chapbooks, Two 18th Century English Examples.

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Lot 27
David, Joannes (1545-1613)
Occasio Arrepta Neglecta Huius Commoda: Illius Incommoda.

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Lot 28
De Rossi, Giovanni Bernardo (1742-1831)
Bibliotheca Judaica Antichristiana qua Editi et Inediti Judaeorum adversus Christianam Religionem Libri Recensentur.

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Lot 29
De Rossi, Giovanni Gherardo (1754-1827)
Scherzi Poetici e Pittorici.

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Lot 30
Dell'Ottonaio, Giovanni Battista (1482-1527)
Canzoni, o Vero Mascherate Carnascialesche.

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Lot 31
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall (1776-1847)
The Bibliomania; or, Book Madness.

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Lot 32
Dubouchet, Pierre (1737-1818)
Au Nom de la Republique Française, Une et Indivisible. Dubouchet Représentant du Peuple, aux Administrateurs du District de Provins.

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Lot 33
Dutch Gilt or Brocade Decorative Paper.

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Lot 34
Early Books, Dutch Imprints, Five Titles in Four Volumes.

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Lot 35
Early Polish Imprints, Two Examples, 1692 and 1745.

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Lot 36
Estienne, Charles (1504-1564)
De Vasculis Libellus, Adulescentulorum Causa ex Bayfio Decerptus, Addita Vulgari Latinarum Vocum Interpretatione.

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Lot 37
Estienne, Robert (1503-1559)
Alphabetum Graecum.

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Lot 38
Euripides, Sophocles, & Aeschylus
A Collection of Greek Tragedies.

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Lot 39
Fénelon, François (1651-1715)
Les Aventures de Télémaque.

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Lot 40
Fontaine, Charles (b. 1514)
Figures du Nouveau Testament.

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Lot 41
Fulgentius of Ruspe (462-533 CE)

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Lot 42
Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)

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Lot 43
Germain, Pierre, le Roman (1703-1783)
Elements d'Orfevrerie Divisés en Deux Parties de Cinquante Feuilles.

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Lot 44
Gervasoni, Carlo (1762-1819)
Esempi della Scuola della Musica.

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Lot 45
Glanvill, Joseph (1636-1680)
The Vanity of Dogmatizing: or Confidence in Opinions Manifested in a Discourse of the Shortness and Uncertainty of Our Knowledge.

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Lot 46
Gregorian Chants, Cistercian.
Missae Unica Voce cum Organo, vel since Organo Concinendae loco earum, quae Cantu Gregoriano cantari solent.

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Lot 47
Gutowski, Waleryjan (1629-1693)
Panegiryczne Niektore Dyskursy Duchowne.

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Lot 48
Harrington, Sir James (1611-1677)
The Common-Wealth of Oceana.

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Lot 49
Hieronymus, Saint Jerome (c. 342-420 CE)
Divi Hieronymi in Vitas Patrum Perecelebre Opus.

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Lot 50
Homer. John Ogilby (1600-1676) trans.
Homer his Iliads Translated, Adorn'd with Sculpture, and Illustrated with Annotations.

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Lot 51
Hope, Thomas (1769-1831)
Household Furniture and Interior Decoration.

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Lot 51
Huttich, Johannes (1480-1544) and Simon Grynaeus (1493-1541)
Novus Orbis Regionum Insularum Veteribus Incognitarum.

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Lot 52
Illustrated Incunabula Fragment.
Mer des Histoires.

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Lot 53
Italian Costume Albums: Three Examples.

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Lot 54
Italian Culinary Manuscript on Paper.
Le Arti del Credenziere, Confetturiere, e Liquorista.

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Lot 55
Italian Manuscript Writing Manual.
Esemplare di Caratteri Moderni.

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Lot 56
Italian Religious Costume Albums, Two Volumes.

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Lot 57
Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695)
Poëmas de la Unica Poetisa Americana.

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Lot 58
L'Obel, Matthias de (1538-1616)
Plantarum seu Stirpium Icones.

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Lot 59
La Caille, Jean de (1645-1723)
Histoire de l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie.

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Lot 60
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-1695)
Fables Choisies Mises en Vers.

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Lot 61
Lafreri, Antonio (1512-1577)
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae.

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Lot 62
Lairesse, Gerard de (1641-1711)
Grondlegginge der Teeken-Konst.

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Lot 63
Leutbrewer, Christoph trans. Juan Bautista José de Barry.
El Pecador Arrepentido.

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Lot 64
Limited Edition Illustrated Books, Two Examples.

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Lot 65
Lipsius, Justus (1547-1606)
Epistolarum, (Quae in Centurjis non extant) Decades XIIX. Quibus accedunt Poematia Eivsdem.

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Lot 66
London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1796.

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Lot 67
Longus. trans. Jacques Amyot (1513-1593)
Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloe avec Figures.

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Lot 68
Maimbourg, Louis (1610-1686)
Istoria della Crociate per la Liberazione di Terra Santa.

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Lot 69
Maioranis, Franciscus de (1280-1327)
Flores Sancti Augustini ex libris de Civitate Dei Extracti. De Commemoratione Defunctorum.

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Lot 70
Makay, Bela.
Album of Original Illustrations with Text and Music.

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Lot 71
Manuscript in Skull and Crossbones Binding.
Uffizio de Morti.

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Lot 72
Manuscript Notebooks, Two Examples, 1790s & 1824.

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Lot 73
Manuscript on Paper.
Officium de Aeterna Sapientia Editum A.B. Henrico Suso Ordinis Praedicatorum.

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Lot 74
Manutius, Aldus the Younger (1547-1597)
Orthographiae Ratio.

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Lot 75
Masserano, Italy.
Instrumenta Conventionum Sequta inter Illustrissimos Dominos de Flisco Dominos Messerani ac Communitatem.

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Lot 76
Medieval Manuscript and Early Printed Book Leaves.

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Lot 77
Medina, Balthasar de (1634-1697)
Vida, Martyrio, y Beatificacion del Invicto Proto-Martyr de el Japon San Felipe de Jesus, Patron de Mexico.

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Lot 78
Mela, Pomponius; Julius Solinus, et alia.
De Situ Orbis and Other Works.

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Lot 79
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Die Zauberflöte eine Grosse Oper in Zwey Aufzügen fürs Clavier oder Pianoforte.

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Lot 80
Nider, Johannes (c. 1380-1438)
Praeceptorium Divinae Legis, sive Expositio Decalogi.

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Lot 81
Orationes Horum Rhetorum.

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Lot 82
Panvinius, Onuphrius (1529-1568)
Reipublicae Romanae Commentariorum Libri Tres.

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Lot 83
Papal Publications and Broadsides, Six Examples.

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Lot 84
Paris, Food Safety and Fair Practices, 1711-1739.
Four Broadsides Admonishing Bakers, Butchers, and Fishmongers.

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Lot 85
Percier, Charles & Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine.
Recueil des Decorations Interieures.

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Lot 86
Phaedrus (c. 444-393 BCE)
Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri Quinque.

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Lot 87
Plutarch (46-119 CE)
Lives Translated from the Greek by Several Hands. To which is prefixt the Life of Plutarch.

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Lot 88
Plutarch (46-119 CE)
Septem Sapientum Convivium, Gulielmo Plantio Cenomanno Medico Interprete.

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Lot 89
Plutarch (46-119 CE) trans. Jacques Amyot (1513-1593)
Les Vies des Hommes Illustres Grecs et Romains.

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Lot 90
Plutarch, Pliny, Catullus, [and] Pomponius Laetus (1425-1497)
Post-Incunabula Sammelband, 1508 & 1510.

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Lot 91
Pop-up Peepshow [Kullisentheater] Slides.
The Shepherd Walking his Sheep.

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Lot 92
Pope Clement V (c. 1264 -1314)
Singulares Constitutionu[m] Textus.

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Lot 93
Rabus, Pieter, ed. (1660-1702)
De Boekzaal van Europe.

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Lot 94
Raffald, Elizabeth (1733-1781)
The Experienced English House-keeper.

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Lot 95
Rittmeyer, Johann (1636-1698)
Him[m]lisches Freuden-Mahl der Kinder Gottes auf Erden.

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Lot 96
Rodotà, Pietro Pompilio (1707-1770)
De' Giuochi d'Industria, di Sorte, e Misti di Quello in Particolare, che si Denomina Lotto di Genova.

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Lot 97
Roper, William (1496-1578)
Vita D. Thomae Mori.

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Lot 98
Sammelband of English Chapbooks, Sixteen Titles Bound Together.
1796-c. 1812.

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Lot 99
Sardi, Pietro (mid-17th century)
Corno Dogale della Architettura Militare.

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Lot 100
Sarpi, Paolo (1552-1623)
Discorso dell'Origine, Forma, Leggi, ed Uso dell'Ufficio dell'Inquisitione nella Citta, e Dominio di Venetia.

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Lot 101
Savius, Aurelius David (fl. circa 1546)
In Pandectarum Titulum de Verb. & Re. Signifi. Tractatus Isagogicus.

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Lot 102
Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1548-1616)
L’Idea Della Architettura Universale.

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Lot 103
Serlio, Sebastiano (1475-c. 1554)
Incomple Fragments of Libro d'Architettura.

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Lot 104
Solís y Rivadeneira, Antonio de (1610-1686)
Historia de la Conquista de Mexico.

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Lot 105
Stanhope, Eugenia (d. 1783)
The Deportment of a Married Life.

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Lot 106
Surius, Laurentius (1523-1578)
Commentarius Brevis Rerum in Orbe Gestarum, ab Anno Salutis MD. usque in Annum M.D. LXXIIII.

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Lot 107
Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World.

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Lot 108
Tempesta, Antonio (1555-1630)
Twenty Engravings from Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata.

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Lot 109
Terence [aka] Publius Terentius Afer (c. 195/185-c. 159? BCE)
In Quem Triplex Edita est P. Antesignani Rapistagnensis Commentatio.

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Lot 110
The Conjuror's Magazine, or Magical and Physiognomical
Mirror. Including a Superb Edition of Lavater's Essays on Physiognomy.

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Lot 111
The First Spelling Primer; or an Easy Introduction to the
Art of Reading Adorned with Emblematic Pictures.

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Lot 112
The Wren; or, the Fairy of the Green-House Consisting of
Song, Story, and Dialogue.

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Lot 113
Torricelli, Evangelista (1608-1647)
Lezioni Accademiche.

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Lot 114
Tschudi, Aegidius (1505-1572)
Chronicon Helveticum. Oder Gründliche Beschreibung der So wohl in dem Heil.

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Lot 115
Vendramenus, Franciscus (circa 1608)
Ordo Rituum, & Ceremoniarum Suscipiendi Habitum Monialem tam pro una Novitia seorsim, quam pro pluribus coniunctim.

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Lot 116
Verdizzotti, Giovanni Maria (1525-1600)
Le Vite de' Santi Padri Insieme Col Prato Spirituale.

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Lot 117
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Letters Concerning the English Nation.

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Lot 118
Zanadio, Francesco Maria (fl. circa 1675)
Scuola Celeste Aperta da Maria Madre dell'Eterna Sapienza all'Anime sue Divote.

Travel Books

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Lot 119
Breton de la Martinière, Jean-Baptiste
China: its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, &c.

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Lot 120
Bridgens, Richard (fl. circa 1830)
Sketches Illustrative of the Manners and Costumes of France, Switzerland, and Italy.

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Lot 121
Cook, James (1728-1779)
A Voyage towards the South Pole and Round the World.

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Lot 122
Costumes et Plantes de L'Hindoustan.
Manuscript on Paper.

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Lot 123
Denon, Dominique-Vivant (1747-1825)
Egypt, a Series of One Hundred and Ten Engravings, Exhibiting the Antiquities, Architecture, Inhabitants, Animals,

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Lot 124
Dielmann, Bamberger, & Wegelin.
Der Rheinische Tourist.

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Lot 125
Illustrated Travel, Two 18th Century Imprints.

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Lot 126
Justel, Henri ed. (1619-1693)
Recueil de Divers Voyages Faits en Afrique et en l'Amerique.

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Lot 127
Kippis, Andrew (1725-1795) trans. Cesareo de Nava Palacio.
Historia de la Vida y Viages del Capitan Jaime Cook. Obra Escrita en Ingles.

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Lot 128
Lafitau, Joseph François (1681-1746)
Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, Comparées aux Moeurs des Premiers Temps.

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Lot 129
Luard, Major John (1790-1875)
Views in India, Saint Helena, and Car Nicobar Drawn from Nature and on Stone.

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Lot 130
Mariette-Bey, Auguste (1821-1881)
Album du Musée de Boulaq.

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Lot 131
Mayer, Luigi (1755-1803)
Views in Egypt, from the Original in the Possession of Sir Robert Ainslie, Taken during his Embassy to Constantinople.

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Lot 132
Perry, Matthew Calbraith (1794-1858) ed. Francis L. Hawks (1798-1866)
Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas & Japan.

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Lot 133
Smith, Charles Hamilton (1776-1859)
Views in Northern Africa, a Collection of Watercolor Drawings.

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Lot 134
Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste (1605-1689)
The Six Voyages [...] through Turky into Persia, and the East Indies.

Scientific Books

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Lot 135
Agricola, Georgius (1494-1555) ed. Herbert Hoover (1874-1964)
De Re Metallica.

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Lot 136
Ango, Pierre (1640-1694)
L'Optique Divisée en Trois Livres.

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Lot 137
Baker, Henry (1698-1774)
Of Microscopes and the Discoveries Made Thereby. Illustrated with Many Copper-Plates.

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Lot 138
Bekker, Balthasar (1634-1698)
Ondersoek van de Betekeninge der Kometen.

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Lot 139
Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)
Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the Terms of Pecuniary Bargains.

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Lot 140
Blankaart, Steven (1650-1704)
De Nederlandschen Herbarius of Kruid Boek.

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Lot 141
Darwin, Charles (1809-1882)
The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals.

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Lot 142
Desaguliers, John Theophilus (1683-1744)
A Course of Experimental Philosophy.

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Lot 143
Dezallier d'Argenville, Antoine Joseph (1680-1765)
L'Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans une de ses Parties Principales, L'Oryctologie, qui Traité des Pierres, des Métaux, & des Minéraux.

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Lot 144
Dutch Sammelband, Two Mid-18th Century Titles.

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Lot 145
Early Continental Science, Four Titles in Six Volumes.

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Lot 146
Early Continental Science, Three Titles in Four Volumes.

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Lot 147
Eigenmann, Carl (1863-1927) & Rosa Eigenmann (1858-1947)
Large Archive of Correspondence, 1883-1930.

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Lot 148
Fisher, Irving (1867-1947)
Stabilizing the Dollar: A Plan to Stabilize the General Price Level without Fixing Individual Prices.

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Lot 149
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)

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Lot 150
Gervais, Jean-Antoine & Elisabeth Gervais (fl. circa 1820)
Opuscule sur la Vinification, Traitant des Vices des Méthodes Usitées pour la Fabrication des Vins,

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Lot 151
Goring, C.R. (1792-1840) and Andrew Pritchard (1804-1882)
Micrographia: Containing Practical Essays on Reflecting, Solar, Oxy-Hydrogen Gas Microscopes; Micrometers; Eye-Pieces.

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Lot 152
Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976)
The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory.

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Lot 152
Jevons, William Stanley (1835-1882)
Investigations in Currency and Finance.

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Lot 153
Keeler, James Edward (1857-1900)
Publications of the Lick Observatory, Volume VIII.

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Lot 154
Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
A Tract on Monetary Reform. [and] A Treatise on Money.

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Lot 155
Kützing, Friedrich Traugott (1807-1893)
Tabulae Phycologicae.

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Lot 156
Lafond, Joseph-Aignan Sigaud de (1730-1810)
Three Titles in Four Volumes, 1767-1779.

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Lot 157
Malpighi, Marcello (1628-1694)
Anatomes Plantarum Pars Altera; [bound with] Appendix Ovo Incubato.

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Lot 158
Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766-1834)
An Essay on the Principle of Population; or, a View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness.

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Lot 159
Maund, Benjamin (1790-1863)
The Botanic Garden: Consisting of Highly Finished Representations of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plants.

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Lot 160
McCulloch, John Ramsay (1789-1864)
The Principles of Political Economy.

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Lot 161
Mosquera, Dionisio de (b. circa 1681)
Litho-Statica, o Theorica y Practica de Medir Piedras Preciosas.

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Lot 162
Musschenbroek, Pieter van (1692-1761)
Elementa Physicae Conscripta in Usus Academicos.

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Lot 163
Natural Philosophy & Physics.
In Physicam; Latin Manuscript on Paper.

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Lot 164
Schmiedel, Kasimir Christoph (1718-1792)
Erz Stuffen und Berg Arten mit Farben Genau Abgebildet.

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Lot 165
Senebier, Jean (1742-1809)
Two Titles in Five Volumes, 1775 & 1782.

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Lot 166
Smith, Adam (1723-1790)
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

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Lot 167
Smith, William (1808-1857)
A Synopsis of the British Diatomaceae.

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Lot 168
Starkey, George (1628-1665) aka Eirenaeus Philalethes
A True Light of Alchymy.

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Lot 169
Starkey, George [aka] Eirenaeus Philalethes (1628-1665)
Philaletha Illustratus, sive Introitus Apertus ad Occlusum Regis Palatium.

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Lot 170
Swammerdam, Jan (1637-1680)
The Book of Nature; or the History of Insects.

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Lot 171
van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie (1632-1723)
Continuatio Epistolarum Datarum ad Longe Celeberrimam Regiam Societatem Londinensem.

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Lot 172
van Swinden, Jean Henri (1746-1823)
Mémoire sur les Observations Météorologiques.

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Lot 173
Youmans, Edward (1821-1887)
Chemical Atlas; or, the Chemistry of Familiar Objects: Exhibiting the General Principles of Science in a Series of Beautifully Colored Diagrams.

Medical Books

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Lot 174
Bourgeois [aka] Boursier, Louise (1563-1636)
Observations Diverses sur la Sterilité, Perte de Fruict, Foecondité, Accouchements, et Maladies des Femmes et Enfants Nouveaux Naiz.

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Lot 175
Castelli, Bartholomeo (16th century)
Lexicon Medicum Graeco-Latinum. Ex Hippocrate et Galeno Desumptum.

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Lot 176
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius (c. 25 BCE-c. 50 CE)
De Re Medica Libri Octo.

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Lot 177
Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius (c. 25 BCE-c. 50 CE)
De Re Medica Libri Octo.

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Lot 178
Coskery, William (d. 1830)
Manuscript Notebook of a Maryland Physician & Apothecary.

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Lot 179
Cullen, William (1710-1790)
Lectures on the Practice of Physic, Three Volumes of Manuscript Notes.

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Lot 180
Curio, Johannes, Jacob Crell, et alia.
De Conservanda Bona Salernitanae, ad Regem Angliae.

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Lot 181
Davidge, John Beale (1768-1829)
Dr. Davidge's Lectures on the Institutes [and] Physiology. Manuscript Student's Notes.

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Lot 182
Descartes, René (1596-1650)
L'Homme et la Formation du Foetus.

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Lot 183
Diderot, Denis (1713-1784)
Chirurgie & Anatomie [extracted sections from the Dictionnaire Universel de Medicine.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 184
Embryology, Two Titles in Three Volumes.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 185
Epidemiology, Two Titles.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 186
Fabricius, ab Aquapendente (1533-1619)
Opera Anatomica.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 187
Frick, George (1793-1870)
A Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 188
Galen (129-circa 210 CE)
De Compositione Medicamentorum per Genera Libri Septem.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 189
Galen (129-circa 210 CE)
De Ratione Curandi ad Glauconem Libri Duo.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 190
Guillemeau, Jacques (1550-1613)
Les Oeuvres de Chirurgie.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 191
Hippocrates (c. 460-c. 370 BC)
Opera Omnia Graece & Latine.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 192
Hunter, William (1718-1783)
Anatomia Uteri Humani Gravidi.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 193
Jenner, Edward (1749-1823)
On the Varieties and Modifications of the Vaccine Pustule, Occasioned by an Herpetic State of the Skin, Author's Presentation Copy.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 194
Lancisi, Giovanni Maria (1654-1720)
De Noxiis Paludum Effluviis, eorumque Remediis Libri Duo.

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Lot 195
Maygrier, Jacques-Pierre (1771-1834)
Nouvelles Demonstrations d'Accoucemens.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 196
Medical Imprints, English, Four Examples.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 197
Medical Works, Three Continental Examples, Late 17th Century.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 198
Medicine, Four Titles in Four Volumes, 18th-19th Century.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 199
Migliavacca, Joseph (fl. circa 1746)
Manuscript Dissertation: De Aorte Aneuriismate.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 200
Monro, Alexander (1733-1817)
A Description of all the Bursae Mucosae of the Human Body.

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Lot 201
Monro, Alexander (1733-1817)
Observations on the Structure and Functions of the Nervous System.

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Lot 202
Paré, Ambroise (1510?-1590)
The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 203
Physician's Commonplace Book, Manuscript on Paper.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 204
Physician's Commonplace Notebook.

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Lot 205
Potter, Nathaniel (c. 1770-1843) & Samuel Mainster (c. 1830)
Mainster's Manuscript Notes on Dr. Potter's Medical Lectures.

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Lot 206
Reward Poster, Missing Dentist.
$250 Reward! for the Discovery of Frank Austin Roy, M.D., DD.S., Practicing Dentistry.

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Lot 207
Rostow, Walt Whitman (1916-2003)
The Stages of Economic Growth, a Non-Communist Manifesto.

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Lot 208
Rush, Benjamin (1745-1813)
Student Lecture Notes on Rush's The Theory and Practice of Physic.

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Lot 209
Rush, Benjamin (1746-1813)
Lectures on the Institutes and Practice of Physic, Manuscript on Paper.

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Lot 210
Ruysch, Frederik (1638-1731)
Dilucidatio Valvularum in Vasis Lymphaticis, et Lacteis. Cum Figuris Aeneis.

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Lot 211
Small Pox and Cow Pox: Three American Titles.

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Lot 212
Smith, John (1630-1679)
The Pourtract of Old Age.

lot thumbnail image

Lot 213
Swammerdam, Jan (1637-1680)
Miraculum Naturae sive Uteri Muliebris Fabrica.

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Lot 214
Sydenham, Thomas (1624-1689)
Methodus Curandi Febres, Propriis Observationibus Superstructa.

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Lot 215
Sylvius, Jacobus [aka Jacques Dubois] (1478-1555)
Medicae Rei apud Parrhisios Interpretis Regii Commentarius in Claudii Galeni Duos Libros de Differentiis Febrium.

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Lot 216
Turnbull, William (c. 1729-1796)
An Inquiry into the Origin and Antiquity of the Lues Venerea; with Observations on its Introduction and Progress in the

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Lot 217
Van Helmont, Jan Baptist (1580-1644)
Ortus Medicinae id est Initia Physicae Inaudita.

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Lot 218
Weyer [or] Wier, Johann (1515-1588)
Opera Omnia.

Early Printed Books


Devon Eastland, Senior Specialist

Devon Eastland
Senior Specialist
(212) 254-4710 ext. 18
David Rivera, Administrator

David Rivera
(212) 254-4710 ext. 13


Incunabula & Early Books

lot thumbnail image

Aesop (c. 620-564 bce)
Fables with his Life in English, French & Latin.


$2,000 – $2,500

lot thumbnail image

Alamanni, luigi (1495-1556)
La Coltivazione & le Api del S. Giovanni Rucellai.


$300 – $500

lot thumbnail image

Amelot de la houssaye, sieur abraham-nicolas (1634-1706)
The History of the Government of Venice.


$300 – $500

lot thumbnail image

Antiphonal manuscript in wooden boards.
Missa de Pentecostes.


$4,000 – $6,000

lot thumbnail image

Aretino, pietro (1492-1556)
La Prima [-Seconda] Parte de Ragionamenti.


$700 – $900

lot thumbnail image

Aretino, pietro (1492-1556)
La Prima [-Seconda] Parte de Ragionamenti.


$300 – $400

lot thumbnail image

Aristaenetus (fl. circa 5th or 6th ce)
Epistolae Graecae. Cum Latina Interpretatione & Notis. Tertia Editio Emendatior & Auctior.


$400 – $600

lot thumbnail image

Ars memorandi; johannes host von romberch (c. 1480-c. 1533)
Congestorium Artificiose Memorie.


$1,000 – $1,500

lot thumbnail image

Art collection catalogues, four examples.


$300 – $400

lot thumbnail image

Benigni, fortunato. author’s presentation copy with als.
Lettera Sugli Scavi Fatti nel Circondario dell’Antica Treja.


$300 – $500

lot thumbnail image

Berenger, richard (1720-1782)
The History and Art of Horsemanship.


$600 – $900

lot thumbnail image

Berthault, pierre (1600-1681)
Liber Singularis de Ara.


$300 – $500

lot thumbnail image

Bible, english, miniature.
The Thumb Bible. Verbum Sempiternum.


$400 – $600

lot thumbnail image

Bible, german, trans. martin luther (1483-1546)
Biblia das ist: Die Gantze Heilige Schrifft Deudsch.


$800 – $1,200

lot thumbnail image

Bible, illustrated, french & english.
Pictures of the Old and New Testaments, Showing the Most Nottable Historys, in 150 Copper Platis. [sic]


$600 – $800

lot thumbnail image

Bible, illustrated, italian.
Historia del Testamento Vecchio e Nuovo, Rappresentata con Figure in Rame.


$800 – $1,200

lot thumbnail image

Bible, new testament, greek.
Nouum Iesv Christi D.N. Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia.


$6,000 – $8,000

lot thumbnail image

Bible, psalms in english. trans. george wither
The Psalmes of David Translated into Lyrick-Verse.


$800 – $1,200

lot thumbnail image

Bible, psalms in english. trans. william alexander (1567-1640)
The Psalmes of King David translated by King James.


$600 – $900

lot thumbnail image

Bodin, jean (1529-1596)
De la Demonomanie des Sorciers.


$2,000 – $2,500

lot thumbnail image

Brant, sebastian (1458-1521)
Stultifera Navis.


$15,000 – $20,000

lot thumbnail image

Budé, guillaume (1467-1540)
De Asse, et Partibus eius, Libri V.


$800 – $1,200

lot thumbnail image

Buonaventura, federico (1555-1602)
Anemologiae Pars Prior. Id est Affectionibus, Signis, Cavsisque Ventorum ex Aristotle, Theophrasto, ac Ptolomeo Tractatus.


$300 – $500

lot thumbnail image

Capiferreus, franciscus magdalenus (d. 1632); council of trent.
Elenchus Librorum Omnium tum in Tridentino.


$300 – $400

lot thumbnail image

Cervantes saavedra, miguel de (1547-1616)
The History of the Most Renowned Don Quixote of Mancha: and his Trusty Squire Sancho Pancha.


$2,000 – $3,000