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Early Printed Books
Thursday, May 05, 2022
at 12:00pm
On the cover:
Lot 120 • Sammelband of Chivalric Chap-Books, Oger le Dannois Duc de Dannemarche qui fut l’un des Douze Pers de France, circa 1610-1620.
Lot 1
[Economics] American Economics, 1830s.
Three Titles.
Lot 2
[Economics] Babbage, Charles (1791-1871)
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures.
Lot 3
[Economics] Becker, Gary Stanley (1930-2014)
Five Titles.
Lot 4
[Economics] Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)
Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the Terms of Pecuniary Bargains.
Lot 5
[Economics] Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)
The Book of Fallacies: from Unfinished Papers.
Lot 6
[Economics] Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
Eight Late-18th Century Pamphlets.
Lot 7
[Economics] Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event.
Lot 8
[Economics] Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)
Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event.
Lot 9
[Economics] Canard, Nicolas-François (c. 1750-1833)
Principes d'Économie Politique.
Lot 10
[Economics] Debreu, Gérard (1921-2004)
Theory of Value: an Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium.
Lot 11
[Economics] Di Gennaro, Domenico, Duke of Cantalupo (1720-1803)
Annona o Sia Piano Economico di Pubblica Sussistenza.
Lot 12
[Economics] Four Mid-20th-Century Titles.
Lot 13
[Economics] French: Three 18th Century Works.
Lot 14
[Economics] Friedman, Milton (1912-2006)
A Theory of the Consumption Function.
Lot 15
[Economics] Friedman, Milton (1912-2006)
Capitalism and Freedom.
Lot 16
[Economics] Friedman, Milton (1912-2006)
Nine Titles.
Lot 17
[Economics] Jevons, William Stanley (1835-1882)
Investigations in Currency and Finance.
Lot 18
[Economics] Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
A Treatise on Money.
Lot 19
[Economics] Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
A Treatise on Probability.
Lot 20
[Economics] Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
Indian Currency & Finance.
Lot 21
[Economics] Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
Seven Works.
Lot 22
[Economics] Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
The End of Laissez-Faire.
Lot 23
[Economics] Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money.
Lot 24
[Economics] Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)
Three First Editions.
Lot 25
[Economics] Knight, Frank Hyneman (1885-1972)
Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.
Lot 26
[Economics] Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de (1709-1785)
Remarks Concerning the Government and the Laws of the United States of America: In Four Letters Addressed to Mr. Adams.
Lot 27
[Economics] Magens, Nicolaus (1697 or 1704-1764)
An Essay on Insurances, Explaining the Nature of Various Kinds of Insurance.
Lot 28
[Economics] Mandeville, Bernard (1670-1733)
The Fable of the Bees: or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits.
Lot 29
[Economics] Marx, Karl (1818-1883)
Capital, The Humboldt Library of Science Edition in Parts, Original Wrappers.
Lot 30
[Economics] Mises, Ludwig von (1881-1973)
The Theory of Money & Credit.
Lot 31
[Economics] Necker, Jacques (1732-1804)
De L'Administration des Finances de la France.
Lot 32
[Economics] Rae, John (1796-1872)
Statement of Some New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy, Exposing the Fallacies of the System of Free Trade.
Lot 33
[Economics] Samuelson, Paul Anthony (1915-2009)
Foundations of Economic Analysis.
Lot 34
[Economics] Samuelson, Paul Anthony (1915-2009)
Foundations of Economic Analysis.
Lot 35
[Economics] Smith, Adam (1723-1790)
Essays on Philosophical Subjects.
Lot 36
[Economics] Smith, Adam (1723-1790)
The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Author's Presentation Copy.
Lot 37
[Economics] Veblen, Thorstein (1857-1929)
The Theory of the Leisure Class, and Two Other First Edition Titles.
Science & Medicine
Lot 38
[Medicine & Science] Barrett, Francis (c. 1770-1802)
The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer; Being a Complete System of Occult Philosophy.
Lot 39
[Medicine & Science] Bauhin, Caspar (1560-1624)
Pinax Theatri Botanici; [bound with] Prodromos Theatri Botanici.
Lot 40
[Medicine & Science] Bell, Charles (1774-1842)
Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting.
Lot 41
[Medicine & Science] Bidgood, John (1623-1691)
Doctoral Degree, Manuscript Diploma.
Lot 42
[Medicine & Science] Blair, Patrick (d. 1728)
Miscellaneous Observations in the Practise of Physick, Anatomy and Surgery. With New and Curious Remarks in Botany, Adorn'd with Copper Plates.
Lot 43
[Medicine & Science] Castaigne, Gabriel de (c. 1562-1630)
Le Grand Miracle de Nature Metallique.
Lot 44
[Medicine & Science] Darwin, Charles (1809-1882)
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.
Lot 45
[Medicine & Science] Descartes, René (1596-1650)
De Homine Figuris.
Lot 46
[Medicine & Science] Eobanus Hessus, Helius (1488-1540)
Saluberrima Bonae Valetudinis.
Lot 47
[Medicine & Science] Gillies, Sir Harold Delf (1882-1960) & D.
The Principles and Art of Plastic Surgery.
Lot 48
[Medicine & Science] Gillies, Sir Harold Delf (1882-1960)
Plastic Surgery of the Face Based on Selected Cases of War Injuries of the Face, Including Burns.
Lot 49
[Medicine & Science] Gockel, Eberhard (1636-1703)
Tractatus Polyhistoricus Magico-Medicus Curiosus.
Lot 50
[Medicine & Science] Kircher, Athanasius (1602-1680)
Musurgia Universalis sive Ars Magna Consoni et Dissoni in X. Libros Digesta.
Lot 51
[Medicine & Science] Kircher, Athanasius (1602-1680)
Phonurgia Nova sive Conjugium Mechanico-Physicum Artis & Naturae Parnympha Phonosophia.
Lot 52
[Medicine & Science] Kützing, Friedrich Traugott (1807-1893)
Tabulae Phycologicae.
Lot 53
[Medicine & Science] Lancisi, Giovanni Maria (1654-1720)
De Motu Cordis et Aneurysmatibus Opus Posthumum.
Lot 54
[Medicine & Science] Langham, William.
The Garden of Health: Containing the Sundry Rare and Hidden Vertues and Properties of All Kindes of Simples and Plants.
Lot 55
[Medicine & Science] Magninus Mediolanensis (d. 1368)
Regimen Sanitatis.
Lot 56
[Medicine & Science] Mandeville, Bernard (1670-1733)
A Treatise of the Hypochondriack and Hysterick diseases, in Three Dialogues.
Lot 57
[Medicine & Science] Mariani, Angelo (1838-1914)
Coca and its Therapeutic Application.
Lot 58
[Medicine & Science] Medical Books: Two French Imprints.
Lot 59
[Medicine & Science] Paré, Ambroise (1510?-1590)
The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey.
Lot 60
[Medicine & Science] Pavlov, Ivan (1849-1936)
Die Normale Tätigkeit und Allgemeine Konstitution der Großhirnrinde, Signed Presentation Copy.
Lot 61
[Medicine & Science] Pavlov, Ivan (1849-1936)
Ein Neues Laboratorium zur Erforschung der Bedingten Reflexe, Author's Presentation Copy.
Lot 62
[Medicine & Science] Physician's Illustrated Notebook.
England, circa 1844.
Lot 63
[Medicine & Science] Pomet Pierre, (1658-1699)
A Compleat History of Druggs.
Lot 64
[Medicine & Science] Pseudo-Aristotle.
Aristotle's Last Legacy: Unfolding the Mysteries of Nature in the Generation of Man.
Lot 65
[Medicine & Science] Trutta, Giovanni Battista (fl. circa 1700)
Novello Giardino della Prattica et Esperienza.
Ken Rapoport Collection
Lot 66
Alexander, Sir William, Earl of Stirling (1567-1640)
The Monarchicke Tragedies; Croesus, Darius, The Alexandraean, Julius Caesar. Newly enlarged.
Lot 67
Allott, Robert, ed. (fl. circa 1600)
Englands Parnassus: Or, the Choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall Comparisons.
Lot 68
Allott, Robert, ed. (fl. circa 1600)
Wits Theater of the Little World.
Lot 69
Barahano de Soto, Luis (1548-1595)
Primera Parte de la Angelica.
Lot 70
Beaumont, Francis (1584-1616) & John Fletcher
Comedies and Tragedies.
Lot 71
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-1375)
[The Decameron.] The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conversation.
Lot 72
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682)
Pseudodoxia Epidemica: or, Enquiries into Very Many Received Tenets, and Commonly Presumed Truths.
Lot 73
Camõens, Luis de (1524?-1580) trans. Thomas Fanshawe.
The Lusiad, or, Portugals Historicall Poem.
Lot 74
Cervantes, Miguel de (1547-1616)
El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Lot 75
Chastellain, Georges (c. 1405/1415-1475)
Histoire du Bon Chevalier, Messire Jacques de Lalain, Frere et Compagnon de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or.
Lot 76
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c. 1343-1400)
The Woorkes.
Lot 77
Colet, Claude trans. (fl. 16th century)
L'Histoire Palladienne, Traitant des Gestes & Genereux Faitz d'Armes et d'Amours de Plusieurs Grandz Princes et Seigneurs.
Lot 78
de Herberay des Essarts, Nicolas (died c. 1557)
Le Premier Livre de la Cronique du Tresvaillant & Redouté Dom Flores de Grece.
Lot 79
Diez, Diego et alia.
Relacion muy Verdadera.
Lot 80
Digby, Kenelm (1603-1665)
Two Treatises: In the one of which, the Nature of Bodies, in the Other the Nature of Man's Soule is Looked Into.
Lot 81
Dolce, Ludovico (1508 or 1510-1568)
Palmerino d'Oliva. Historia del Valorosissimo Cavalliere di Nuovo Tradotto nell'idioma Italiano.
Lot 82
Donne, John (1572-1631)
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, and Severall Steps in my Sicknes.
Lot 83
Donne, John (1572-1631)
Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death.
Lot 84
Drayton, Michael (1563-1631)
The Battaile of Agincourt.
Lot 85
Drayton, Michael (1563-1631)
The Muses Elizium, Lately Discovered by a New Way Over Parnassus.
Lot 86
Du Verdier, Gilbert Saulnier (1598-1686)
The Love and Armes of the Greeke Princes. Or, the Romant of Romants.
Lot 87
Elyot, Sir Thomas (1490?-1546)
The Image of Governaunce Compiled of the Actes and Sentences Notable of the Most Noble Emperour Alexander Severus.
Lot 88
Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alonso de (1533-1594)
Primera, Segunda, y Tercera Partes de la Araucana.
Lot 89
Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650)
The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man.
Lot 90
Gil Polo, Gaspar (1540?-1591)
Primera Parte de la Diana Enamorada.
Lot 91
Gower, John (1325?-1408)
De Confessione Amantis.
Lot 92
Guevara, Antonio de, (d. 1545?)
The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and Eloquent Oratour.
Lot 93
Hakluyt, Richard (1552?-1616)
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation Made by Sea or Over-land.
Lot 94
Homer. trans George Chapman
The Whole Works of Homer; Prince of Poetts in his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke.
Lot 95
Huon de Bordeaux.
Les Gestes et Faictz Merveilleux du Noble Huon de Bordeaux.
Lot 96
Jonson, Ben (1573?-1637)
The Works.
Lot 97
Lancelot du Lac.
Le Premier Volume de Lancelot du Lac Nouvelleme[n]t Imprimé à Paris.
Lot 98
Lobeira, Joâo de (c. 1233-1285)
The Fifth Book of the Most Pleasant and Delectable History of Amadis de Gaule.
Lot 99
Lorris, Guillaume de (c. 1200-1240) & Jean de Meun (1240-1305)
Cy est le Rommant de la Roze.
Lot 100
Lyly, John (1554?-1606)
Euphues and his England.
Lot 101
Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678) et alia.
Sammelband of Seven Collections of Poems, 1689.
Lot 102
Meliadus de Leonnoys.
Du present volume sont contenus les nobles faicts d'armes du vaillant roy Meliadus de Leonnoys: ensemble plusieurs nobles proesses de Chevalerie faictes tant par le roy Artus, Galaad.
Lot 103
Milton, John (1608-1674)
A Defence of the People of England [...] in Answer to Salmasius's Defence of the King.
Lot 104
Milton, John (1608-1674)
Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books.
Lot 105
Milton, John (1608-1674)
Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio.
Lot 106
Milton, John (1608-1674)
The History of Britain, that Part Especially Now Call'd England.
Lot 107
Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592)
Essayes Written in French [...] Done into English, according to the last French edition, by John Florio.
Lot 108
Montemayor, Jorge de (1520?-1561)
Diana of George of Montemayor.
Lot 109
Muntaner, Ramon (1265-1336)
Chronica, o Descripcio des Fets, e Hazanyes del Inclyt Rey Don Jaume Primer Rey Darago.
Lot 110
Nuñez de Toledo, Hernán (1475-1553)
Refranes o Proverbios en Romance.
Lot 111
Oña, Pedro de (1570-1643)
Arauco Domado. Compuesto por el Licenciado Pedro de Oña, Natural de Lose Infantes de Engol en Chile.
Lot 112
Oudin, César (c. 1560-1625)
Refranes o Proverbios Españoles Traduzidos en Lengua Francesa. Proverbes Espagnols Traduites en François.
Lot 113
Peacham, Henry (1576?-1643?)
The Compleat Gentleman, Much Inlarged.
Lot 114
Plato; Walter Charleton (1619-1707) trans.
His Apology of Socrates and Phaedo.
Lot 115
Certaine Select Prayers Gathered out of S. Augustines Meditations [...] Also his Manuell.
Lot 116
Pseudo-Cervantes; trans. Richard Codrington.
The Troublesome and Hard Adventures in Love. Lively Setting forth, the Feavers, the Dangers, and the Jealousies of Lovers.
Lot 117
Ramírez Pagán, Diego (c. 1524-after 1564)
Floresta de Varia Poesia.
Lot 118
Rojas, Fernando de (d. 1541)
The Spanish Bawd, Represented in Celestina, or the Tragicke-Comedy of Alisto and Melibea.
Lot 119
Romancero General, en Que Contiene Todos los Romances que andan Impressos. Aora Nuevemente Añadido y Enmendado.
Lot 120
Sammelband of Chivalric Chap-Books.
Three Illustrated French Titles Bound as One.
Lot 121
Sammelband of Five Century French Comedies, 1638-1642.
Including a Work Inspired by Cervantes.
Lot 122
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Originall Copies. The Second Impression.
Lot 123
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Lot 124
Sherburne, Sir Edward (1618-1702) trans.
Salmacis, Lyrian & Sylvia, Forsaken Lydia, the Rape of Helen, a Comment thereon with Several other Poems and Translations.
Lot 125
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586)
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia.
Lot 126
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586)
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia.
Lot 127
Spenser, Edmund (1552?-1559)
Sammelband of Three Works: 1591-1596.
Lot 128
Spenser, Edmund (1552?-1599)
Complaints. Containing Sundrie Small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie.
Lot 129
Spenser, Edmund (1552?-1599)
Fowre Hymnes.
Lot 130
Spenser, Edmund (1552?-1599)
The Faerie Queen: the Shepheards Calendar: Together with the Other Works of England's Arch-Poët, Edm. Spenser: Collected into One Volume, and Carefully Corrected.
Lot 131
Taylor, John (1580-1653)
All the Workes of John Taylor, the Water Poet Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into One Volume by the Author.
Lot 132
Vega Carpio, Lope de (1562-1635)
La Hermosura de Angelica, Con Otras Diversas Rimas [La Dragontea].
Lot 133
Vega Carpio, Lope de (1562-1635)
Pastores de Belen, Prosas, y Versos Divinos.
Lot 134
Vezilla [Vecilla] Castellanos, Pedro de la (fl. circa 1586)
Primera y Segunda Parte de el Leon de España.
Lot 135
Virgil (70-19 BCE)
The Whole xii Bookes of the Aeneidos of Virgill.
Lot 136
Virgil trans. Gawin Douglas (1474?-1522)
The xiii. Bukes of Eneados of the Famose Poete Virgill Translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir.
Lot 137
Waller, Edmund (1606-1687)
Poems, &c.
Lot 138
Whittington, Robert (fl. circa 1560)
[De Syllabarum Quantitate] Secunda Grammatic[a]e Pars de Syllabaru[m] Quantitate.
Lot 139
Wither, George (1588-1667)
Britain's Remembrancer: Containing a Narration of the Plague Lately Past.
Lot 140
Wither, George (1588-1667)
Juvenilia. A Collection of Those Poemes.
Lot 141
Wither, George (1588-1667)
The Great Assises Holden in Parnassus by Apollo and his Assessours.
Lot 142
Wycherley, William (1640-1716)
Miscellany Poems: as Satyrs, Epistles, Love-Verses, Songs, Sonnets, &c.
Lot 143
[Travel] Andrews, Captain Mottram (1807-1888)
A Series of Views in Turkey and the Crimea, from the Embarcation at Gallipoli to the Fall of Sebastopol.
Lot 144
[Travel] Beverley, Robert (1667-1722)
Histoire de la Virginie.
Lot 145
[Travel] British Naval Cruisers, Ship's Logs.
Illustrated Manuscripts on Paper, 1897-1900.
Lot 146
[Travel] Castellan, Antoine Laurent (1772-1838)
Moeurs, Usages, Costumes des Othomans, et Abrégé de leur Histoire.
Lot 147
[Travel] Chandler, Richard (1738-1810)
Travels in Greece: Or an Account of a Tour Made at the Expense of the Society of the Dilettanti.
Lot 148
[Travel] Cherry, William Stamps (1869-1927)
Africa, Elephant Hunting, the Ivory Trade: an Archive of Letters and Documents, circa 1899-1902.
Lot 149
[Travel] Davidson, George (1825-1911)
Coast Pilot of Alaska (First Part). [Together with] Coast of California, Oregon, & Washington Territory.
Lot 150
[Travel] Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814)
Observations on a Tour through almost the Whole of England and a Considerable Part of Scotland.
Lot 151
[Travel] Fraser, Matthew William (d. 1929)
Archive of Documents Regarding his Medical Work in Africa.
Lot 152
[Travel] Jesuit Missionaries.
Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses Ecrites des Missions Etrangeres par quelques Missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jesus.
Lot 153
[Travel] Le Cointe de Laveau, Georges (b. 1783)
Guide du Voyageur a Moscou.
Lot 154
[Travel] Macerata, Cassiano de (1708-1791)
Memorie Istoriche delle Virtu', Viaggi, e Fatiche del P. Giuseppe Maria de' Bernini da Gargnano.
Lot 155
[Travel] Miller, Edward William (1898-1969)
Extensive Archive, Shanghai, 1935-1939.
Lot 156
[Travel] Ogilby, John (1600-1676)
The Traveller's Guide: or a Most Exact Description of the Roads of England.
Lot 157
[Travel] Perry, Charles (1698-1780)
A View of the Levant: Particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt, and Greece.
Lot 158
[Travel] Pinto, Fernão Mendes (1509-1583)
Les Voyages Advantureux de Fernand Mendez Pinto. Fidellement Traduits de Portugais en François.
Lot 159
[Travel] Sandys, George (1578-1644)
A Relation of a Journey Begun An: Dom: 1610.
Lot 160
[Travel] Smith, Charles Hamilton (1776-1859)
Collection of Fifteen Watercolor Drawings of Ancient Egyptian Ruins.
Lot 161
[Travel] Vanel, Claude (fl. circa 1680)
Abregé Nouveau de l'Histoire Generale des Turcs.
Lot 162
[Travel] Wheler, Sir George (1650-1723)
A Journey into Greece.
Early Printed Books & Manuscripts
Lot 163
Aemilius, Georg (1517-1569)
Evangelia quae Consueto More Dominicis & aliis Festis Diebus in Ecclesias Leguntur.
Lot 164
Aesop (c. 620-564 BCE)
Fables with his Life in English, French & Latin.
Lot 165
Alamanni, Luigi (1495-1556)
La Coltivatione.
Lot 166
Alcyonius, Petrus [Pietro Alcioni] (1487-1527)
Medices Legaturs de Exsilio.
Lot 167
Alonso Usatigui Barcena y Rodriguez de los Rios.
Spanish Patent of Nobility and Grant of Arms.
Lot 168
Alunno, Francesco (1485-1556)
Le Ricchezze della Lingua Volgare [sopra il Boccaccio & Dante].
Lot 169
Ambrose, Jerome, & Augustine.
De Virginitate Opuscula Sanctorum Doctorum.
Lot 170
Ames, Joseph (1689-1759)
Typographical Antiquities: Being an Historical Account of Printing in England: with some Memoirs of our Antient Printers.
Lot 171
Antoninus Florentinus (1389-1459)
Summa Theologica, [Parts I-II].
Lot 172
Armenian Manuscript, 17th Century.
Lot 173
Augurelli, Giovanni Aurelio (1441-1524)
[Iamblicus Liber I-II; Sermonum Liber I-II; Carminum Liber I-II].
Lot 174
Ayala, Pedro López de (1332-1407)
Coronica del Serenissimo Rey Don Pedro, Hijo del Rey Don Alonso de Castilla.
Lot 175
Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)
Sylva Sylvarum: or, a Natural Historie in Ten Centuries.
Lot 176
Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)
The Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh.
Lot 177
Baldini, Bernardino (1515-1600)
Two Titles in Two Octavo Volumes.
Lot 178
Bembo, Pietro (1470-1547)
Prose di Monsignor Bembo.
Lot 179
Benacci, Vittorio (1571-1629) Guido Reni, illus. (1575-1642)
Descrittione de gli Apparati Fatti in Bologna per la Venuta di N. S. Papa Clemente VIII con gli Disegni de gli Archi, Statue e Pitture.
Lot 180
Berni, Francesco (1497/98-1535)
Tutte le Opere del Bernia in Terza Rima, Nuovamente con Somma Diligentia Stampate.
Lot 181
Bible in English with Fore-edge Painting.
The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New.
Lot 182
Bible in Hebrew, ed. Elias Hutter (c. 1553-1609)
Bibliorum Hebraicorum. Pars Prima [-Quarta].
Lot 183
Bible, English Selections, Miniature.
Biblia. Or a Practical Summary of ye Old and New Testaments.
Lot 184
Bible, Hebrew and Latin, trans. Sebastian Munster (1488-1552)
Mikdash Ha-Shem; Hebraica Biblia.
Lot 185
Bible, New Testament, English, Douai.
The New Testament of Jesus Christ Faithfully Translated into English.
Lot 186
Bible, New Testament, French, with Rare Illustrated Calendar.
Calendrier Historial, & Lunaire.
Lot 187
Boissard, Jean Jacques (1528-1602)
Icones Illustrium et Clarorum Vivorum Quorum Praecipue Opera Literae Humaniores & Pura Religio, Restauratae Sunt.
Lot 188
Bona, Giovanni (1609-1674)
De Divina Psalmodia.
Lot 189
Bookbinding, Gilt Armorial, 1770s.
Louis Claude de Saint-Martin's (1743-1803) Des Erreurs et de la Verité.
Lot 190
Bordini, Giovanni Francesco (1536-1609)
De Rebus Praeclare Gestis a Sixto V. Pon. Max.
Lot 191
Bovelles, Charles de [aka Carolus Bovillus] (1479-1567)
Geometricum Opus, Duobus Libris Comprehensum.
Lot 192
Boye, Frederik (1715-1759)
Nogle faa udvalgte og med Blod besprengte Blomster, opsamlede under Jesu Kors.
Lot 193
Brunfels, Otto (1488-1534)
Precationes Biblicae Sanctoru[m] Patrum, Illustrium Viroru[m] et Mulierum untruisq[uae] Testamenti.
Lot 194
Budineus, Simon [aka Szymon Budny, trans. (1530-1600)
Ispravnik za Erei Ispovidnici i za Pokornih.
Lot 195
Burton, Robert (1577-1640)
The Anatomy of Melancholy: What it is.
Lot 196
Caesar, Julius (100-44 BCE) trans. William Duncan (1717-1760)
The Commentaries of Caesar, Translated into English. To which is prefixed a Discourse Concerning the Roman Art of War.
Lot 197
Calepino, Ambrogio [Ambrosius Calepinus] (c. 1440-1510)
Dictionarium Octo Linguarum.
Lot 198
Carmelite Breviary.
Manuscript on Parchment.
Lot 199
Cassianus, Johannes (c. 360-435)
Collationes Patrum.
Lot 200
Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (c. 485-585 CE)
Historia Tripertita.
Lot 201
Castellion, Sebastien, trans.; Sixt Birck ed.
Sibyllinorum Oraculorum Libri VIII.
Lot 202
Caviceo, Jacopo (1443-1511)
Dialogue Treselegant Intitule le Peregrin.
Lot 203
Cervantes, Miguel (1547-1616)
The Life and Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Lot 204
Chemnitz, Martin; Timotheus Kirchner; & Nikolaus Selnecker.
Histori dess Sacramentstreits/ Darinnen klärlich außgeführet wirdt.
Lot 205
Chrysostom, John (c. 347-407)
De Virginitate Liber.
Lot 206
Comes, Natalis (1520-1582)
De Venatione, Libri IIII.
Lot 207
Coronelli, Vicenzo Maria (1650-1718)
Description Geographique et Historique de la Morée Reconquise par les Venitiens, du Royaume de Negrepont.
Lot 208
Curione, Celio Secondo (1503-1569)
Pasquillorum Tomi Duo.
Lot 209
Cyllenius, Dominicus.
Ad Emanuelem Philibertum [...] De Vetere & Recentiore Scientia Militari.
Lot 210
Decorative Bindings, Two 18th Century Sets.
Lot 211
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall (1776-1847)
Bibliomania, or Book Madness.
Lot 212
Diodorus Siculus; Justinian; Florus; Festus; & Trogus.
Student's Sammelband, Two Early-16th Century Titles Bound Together.
Lot 213
Doni, Anton Francesco (1513-1574)
La Zucca, divisa in Cinque Libre: Il Ramo; I Fiori; Le Foglie; I Frutti; & Il Seme.
Lot 214
Early Printed Book Leaves, Eleven Examples.
Lot 215
Embroidered Binding, Portugal.
Diario Ecclesiastico para o Reino de Portugal.
Lot 216
Erasmus (1466-1536)
Opus de Conscribendis Epistolis.
Lot 217
Estienne, Henri, ed. (1528 or 1531-1598)
Conciones sive Orationes ex Graecis Latinisque Historicis Excerptae.
Lot 218
Eusebius of Caesarea (275-339 CE);
Historia Ecclesiastica.
Lot 219
Euthymius the Great (377-473)
Orthodoxae Fidei Dogmatica Panoplia.
Lot 220
Fine Bindings, Four Titles in Five Volumes.
Italy, 18th Century.
Lot 221
Flinspach, Cunmann (1527-1571)
Genealogiae Christi et Omnium Populorum Tabulae: Hoc Est, de Arcano Dei Consilio Nascendi Messiae ex Semine Abrahae & Davidis.
Lot 222
Gellius, Aulus (c. 125- post-180 CE)
Noctium Atticarum Libri Undeviginti.
Lot 223
Gerard, John (1545-1612)
The Herball or General Historie of Plantes.
Lot 224
Giuntini, Francesco (1523-1590)
Commentaria in Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco.
Lot 225
Glanvill, Joseph (1636-1680)
Plus Ultra: or, the Progress and Advancement of Knowledge Since the Days of Aristotle.
Lot 226
Glanvill, Joseph (1636-1680)
Scepsis Scientifica: or, Confest Ignorance, the Way to Science; in an Essay of the Vanity of Dogmatizing.
Lot 227
Grant of Arms, Benjamin Baker Tathwell.
England, 14 July 1804; in the Original Case.
Lot 228
Grazzini, Antonio Francesco (1503-1584)
Lot 229
Gualteruzzi, Carlo, editor (1500-1577)
Libro di Novelle et di Bel Parlar Gentile.
Lot 230
Hédelin, François, Abbot of Aubignac (1604-1676)
The Whole Art of the Stage.
Lot 231
Hephaestion Alexandrinus.
Encheiridion peri metron kai poiematon. Eis to auto scholia. [Graece]
Lot 232
Herne, Samuel (fl. circa 1677)
Domus Carthusiana: or an Account of the Most Noble Foundation of the Charter-House near Smithfield in London.
Lot 233
Herzl, Theodor (1860-1904)
Der Judenstaat.
Lot 234
Holy Roman Emperors.
Sammelband of Three Works Related to their Election and Coronation, 1612.
Lot 235
Homer & Hesiod.
Matronis et Aliorum Parodiae.
Lot 236
Horace (65-8 BCE)
In Q. Horatium Flaccum, Dionysii Lambini Commentarius Locupletissimus. Sexta et Postrema Editio Emendatissima.
Lot 237
Horace with 17th Century Harvard Provenance.
Lot 238
Huttich, Johannes (1480-1544) and Simon Grynaeus (1493-1541)
Novus Orbis Regionum Insularum Veteribus Incognitarum.
Lot 239
Italian Drama & Music, Eleven Pamphlets, 18th Century.
Lot 240
Italian Manuscript on Paper, 1748.
Lot 241
Italian Religious Feasts, Four 17th Century Pamphlets.
Lot 242
Jansenist Sammelband.
France, mid-17th Century.
Lot 243
Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135-1202)
Eximii Profundissimique [...] Scriptum Super Hieremiam Prophetam.
Lot 244
John Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchaita (fl. 11th century)
Versus Iambici.
Lot 245
Juan de Santa Maria, Fray (1551-1622)
Christian Policie: or, The Christian Common-Wealth.
Lot 246
Justinian I (482-565 CE)
Institutionum Fl. Justiniani Caesaris Libri IIII.
Lot 247
Justinus [aka Justin], Marcus Junianus (2nd century)
Ex Trogo Pompeio Historia.
Lot 248
Khunrath, Heinrich (1560-1605)
Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae Solius Verae, Christiano-Kabalisticum, Divino-Magicum, nec non Physico-Chymicum.
Lot 249
La Harpe, Jean François de (1739-1803)
Compendio della Storia Generale de' Viaggi Opera.
Lot 250
Le Roux, Philibert-Joseph (d. circa 1735)
Histoire du Pere La Chaize, Jesuite & Confesseur du Roi Louis XIV.
Lot 251
Lipsius, Justus (1547-1606)
De Cruce Libri Tres Ad Sacram Profanámque Historiam Utiles. Unà cum Notis.
Lot 252
Manufacture Lyonnaise de Matières Colorantes.
La Teinture du Coton.
Lot 253
Manuscript on Paper, Germany, 1725, Mostly Blank.
Lot 254
Medieval Manuscript Leaf.
Gospel of John Incipit with Illumination.
Lot 255
Medieval Manuscript Leaf.
The Bohun Family Bible.
Lot 257
Medieval Manuscript Leaves.
Four Examples in Three Frames.
Lot 257
Medieval Manuscript Leaves with Illumination, Two Examples.
Lot 258
Melanchthon, Philip (1497-1560)
De Legibus Oratio.
Lot 259
Melgarejo y Salafranca, José.
Consideraciones sobre la Iglesia en sus Relaciones con la Sociedad.
Lot 260
Menasseh Ben Israel (1604-1657)
Libri Quator de Immortalitate Animae.
Lot 261
Mexía de Fernangil, Diego (1565?-1634)
Del Parnaso Antartico, de Obras Amatorias.
Lot 262
Miniature Books: One in a Silver Case.
Five 20th Century Examples.
Lot 263
Miniature London Almanacks in Fancy Bindings.
Seven Examples, 1777-1812.
Lot 264
Mocenigo, Andrea (1471-1542)
Bellum Cameracense.
Lot 265
Montefiore, Moses (1784-1885)
Five Pamphlets, 1840-1872.
Lot 266
More, Hannah (1745-1833) et alia.
Cheap Repository Tracts, Nineteen Titles in the First-day Tracts; and the Hazard/Marshall Series.
Lot 267
Mori, Ascanio Pipino de (1533-1591)
Prima Parte Delle Novelle.
Lot 268
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) & Pope Pius VII (1742-1823)
Bref d'Excommunication des Auteurs, Exécuteurs et Fauteurs de l'Usurpation de Rome, et des États Appartenant au Saint Siége.
Lot 269
Offredus, Apollinaris (fl. 15th Century)
[Expositio in Primum] Sup[er] Posteriora [Aristotelis].
Lot 270
Ovid (43 BCE-17 CE)
Les Metamorphoses; Le Jugement de Paris; XV. Discours sur les Metamorphoses; [and] Epistres.
Lot 271
Papal Broadsides, Italy, Seven Examples, 1583-1606.
The Holy Inquisition and other Content.
Lot 272
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
Les Provinciales [I-XVIII]; [bound with] Pierre Nicole's (1625-1695) L'Heresie Imaginaire [Lettres I-IV & VI-XIII].
Lot 273
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
Les Provinciales.
Lot 274
Paulus Venetus [Nicoletti] (1369-1429)
Super Libris Posteriorum cum Tabula [Expositio in Libros Posteriorum Aristotelis].
Lot 275
Persian Manuscript Leaf with Painted Miniature.
Safavid Dynasty Court Scene.
Lot 276
Persian Manuscript Leaf with Painted Miniature.
Safavid Dynasty Court Scene.
Lot 277
Petrarch, Francesco (1304-1374)
Il Petrarcha con la Spositione di M. Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo. I Trionfi del Petrarca, con la spositione di M. Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo da Traetto.
Lot 278
Plinius Secundus, Gaius [Pliny the Elder] (23/24-79 CE)
The Historie of the World.
Lot 279
Praeceptorium perutile in quo Decem Sermonibus.
Lot 280
Puteo, Paris de [Paride del Pozzo] (1411-1493)
Tractatus Insignis de Reintegratione Feudorum Definibus.
Lot 281
Recipe Book, Italian Manuscript on Paper, 1850s.
Lot 282
Recipes & Medical Preparations.
English Manuscript, circa 1780.
Lot 283
Reinzer, Franz (1661-1708)
Meteorologia Philosophico-Politica, in Duodecim Dissertationes per Quaestiones Meteorologicas et Conclusiones Politicas Divisa, Appositisque.
Lot 284
Roman Breviary, Text Manuscript on Paper.
Lot 285
Ruinetti, Tomaso (fl. circa 1619)
Idea de Buon Scittore.
Lot 286
Sammelband in Quarto: Seven 17th Century Theological Titles.
Lot 287
Sammelband, Sixteen English Imprints, 1671-1695.
Lot 288
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Confessionale pro Instructione Confesso[rum].
Lot 289
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
D. Ioannis Epistolam & Sacr[a]e Scriptur[a]e Verba Igniti Eloquii Sermones.
Lot 290
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Dialogus, cui titulus solatium itineris mei. Nunc primum impressus.
Lot 291
Schiappalaria, Stefano Ambrogio (d. 1578)
La Vita di C. Julio Cesare.
Lot 292
Schlosser, Johann Georg (1739-1799)
Dissertatio Inauguralis Iuridica De Officio Tutorum Et Curatorum Circa Lites Pupillorum Et Minorum.
Lot 293
Schwarzenberg, Johann von (1463-1528)
Bambergische Peinliche Halsgerichtsordnung.
Lot 294
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Henry V; Extracted from the Second Folio.
Lot 295
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
The Merry Wives of Windsor; Extracted from the Second Folio.
Lot 296
Silver Bookbinding, Germany, 17th Century.
Christliches Gesangbuch.
Lot 297
Sirven Affair: Two Pamphlets.
Lot 298
Skarga, Piotr (1536-1612)
Vpominanie do Ewanyelikow, y do Wszystkich Spolem Nie Kátholikow.
Lot 299
Smith, Adam (1723-1790)
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
Lot 300
Speed, John (1552-1629)
The Historie of Great Britaine under the Conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans.
Lot 301
Strabo (64/63 BCE-c. 25 CE) ed. Isaac Causabon (1559-1614)
Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum Libri XVII. Isaacus Casaubonis Recensuit.
Lot 302
Strozzi, Tito Vespasiano (1424-1505) Ercole Strozzi (1473-1505)
Poetae Pater et Filius.
Lot 303
Swedish Psalms in Fancy "Jeweled" Binding.
Den Swenska Psalm-Boken.
Lot 304
Synesius of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais (c. 373-c. 414 CE)
Sammelband of Works in Greek,1586.
Lot 305
Tani, Nicolò (fl. circa 1550)
Avertimenti sopra Regole Toscane, con la Formatione de Verbi, & Variation delle Voci.
Lot 306
Tatius, Achilles (2nd century)
Erotikon Achilleos Tatiou Sive de Clitophontis & Leucippes Amoribus.
Lot 307
Taufbrief: Engraved Baptismal Certificate or Godparent's Letter
Christliche Erinnerung.
Lot 308
The French Convert.
Lot 309
Thucydides (c. 460-400 BCE)
De Bello Peloponnensium Atheniensiumque Libri VIII. Bound for Jean Grolier.
Lot 310
Vermeren, Michiel Frans (d. 1755)
De Listige Onstantvastigheyt des Weirelts.
Lot 311
Virgil (70-19 BCE) trans. John Dryden (1631-1700)
The Works of Virgil: Containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis.
Lot 312
Wagenseil, Johann Christoph (1633-1705)
Tela Ignea Satanae, sive Arcani et Horribiles Judæorum Adversus Christum, Deum, et Christianam Religionem Libri.
Early Printed Books
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[economics] american economics, 1830s.
Three Titles.
1) William Gouge’s A Short History of Paper Money and Baking in the United States, Philadelphia: by T.W. Ustick, 1833, first edition, octavo, some underlining and marginal notes, later half leather and marbled paper boards;
2) James Bennett’s American System of Practical Book-Keeping, New York: B. & S. Collins, 1835, sixteenth edition, with large folding engraved illustration bound opposite the title, water stained, contemporary dated inscription to title, original half leather and marbled paper-covered boards;
[and] 3) Francis Wayland’s The Elements of Political Economy, New York: Leavitt, Lord & Co., 1837, first edition, large octavo, a nicely preserved copy bound in publisher’s textured cloth boards, spine faded, contents good, 9 x 5 1/2 in. (3)
$300 – $500
[economics] babbage, charles (1791-1871)
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures.
London: Charles Knight, 1732.
First edition, octavo, regular paper issue; engraved title with profile portrait of Roger Bacon (dampstain to lower margin); bound in full original publisher’s moiré-textured brown cloth boards, rebacked, 6 3/4 x 4 1/4 in.
Babbage, with his invention of the Difference Engine, a mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions, is considered the father of modern computing. Babbage’s Engine would be operated by turning a crank, which would turn a series of geared brass number wheels whose increments are dictated by the metric system, thus performing a series of calculations. One full turn of the handle accomplishes one sequence of operations. The principle at work is that of Newton’s method of divided differences. Babbage did not create a working version during his lifetime, but it was successfully constructed with minor alterations by scientists in 1991. The science fiction steampunk genre also owes a debt to Babbage. Had his machine caught on in the early 19th century, one may imagine the Victorians fitted out with a panoply of sophisticated high tech gear and inventions.
$500 – $700
[economics] becker, gary stanley (1930-2014)
Five Titles.
1) Human Capital: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education, New York & London: Columbia University Press, 1964, first edition, octavo, in publisher’s blue cloth and original dust jacket (some tears, stains to jacket), 9 x 6 in.
2) [with Gilbert R. Ghez], The Allocation of Time and Goods over the Life Cycle, New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, distributed by Columbia University Press, 1975, first edition, octavo, near fine in a near fine dust jacket, 9 x 5 3/4 in.
3) A Treatise on the Family, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981, first edition, octavo, near fine in near fine jacket, 9 1/4 x 6 in.
4) Economic Theory, New York: Knopf, 1971, stated first edition, a textbook in boards with photo images tinted in orange, pen underlining, 9 1/4 x 6 in.
[and] 5) The Journal of Political Economy: Investment in Human Beings, University of Chicago Press, October 1962, Vol. LXX, No. 5, part 2, with a number of essays, including Becker’s, “Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis,” in publisher’s printed wraps, sun-faded, signature to front cover, some marginal ink marks, 9 1/2 x 6 3/4 in. (5)
$700 – $900
[economics] bentham, jeremy (1748-1832)
Defence of Usury; Shewing the Impolicy of the Present Legal Restraints on the Terms of Pecuniary Bargains.
Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey by Lang & Ustick, 1796.
First American edition, 12mo, single leaf of publisher’s ads after the text, contents very good, bound in full contemporary sheepskin with original red label, rubbed and lightly scuffed, joints cracked, boards attached, 5 7/8 x 3 1/2 in.
ESTC W4815; Evans 30057.
$800 – $1,200
[economics] bentham, jeremy (1748-1832)
The Book of Fallacies: from Unfinished Papers.
London: Published by John & H.L. Hunt, 1824.
First edition, octavo, 411 pages; bound in full contemporary gilt-ruled calf, gilt-tooled spine with label, joints rubbed, contents with some light spotting, generally good; ex libris international lawyer and advisor to the British delegations on the Reparations Commission established by the Treaty of Versailles Sir John Fischer Williams (1870-1947) with his bookplate on ffep, 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 in.
Bentham targeted political fallacies in this work. His attack on the action of the despot in government is strongly worded. The chapter headings speak for themselves: Vituperative Personalities (ad odium); Hobgoblin Argument, or, ‘No Innovation!’; Official Malefactor’s Screen, ‘Attack us, you attack Government,’; Accusation-scarer’s Device, ‘Infamy must attach somewhere,’ Impostor Terms, Vague Generalities, and Fallacy of Artful Diversion. These are just a sample.
[Together with] Bentham’s Defence of Economy against the Right Hon. George Rose, London: [no printer], 1817, first edition, octavo pamphlet, 284-332 pages, disbound, 8 1/4 x 5 1/4 in.
$500 – $700
[economics] burke, edmund (1729-1797)
Eight Late-18th Century Pamphlets.
Including the following octavo titles:
1) Speech of Edmund Burke Esq. on American Taxation, April 19, 1774, London: Dodsley, 1775, second edition;
2) A Plan for the Better Security of the Independence of Parliament, London; Dodsley, 1780;
3) Speech on the Motion Made for Papers Relative to the Directions for Charging the Nabob of Arcot’s Private Debts to Europeans, London: Dodsley, 1785;
4)A Letter from Mr. Burke to a Member of the National Assembly in Answer to Some Objections to his Book on French Affairs, London: Dodsley, 1791;
5) An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, London: Dodsley, 1791, third edition;
6) Substance of the Speech of the in Answer to Certain Observations on the Report of the Committee of Managers, London: for J. Debrett, 1794;
7) Thoughts and Details on Scarcity, London: for F. & C. Rivington, 1800;
[and] 8) A Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke by George Rous in Reply to his Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, London: Debrett, [no date]; all disbound, six of the eight in modern paper wrappers, sizes vary. (8)
$700 – $900
[economics] burke, edmund (1729-1797)
Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event.
London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1790.
Octavo, Todd’s second edition, first impression, 356 pages, with press figures: page 4: I; page 116: none; page 171: 3; page 354: * or none; bound in full contemporary leather, rebacked, some staining and spotting to contents, 8 3/8 x 5 in.
Todd 53b; ESTC N660.
$300 – $500
[economics] burke, edmund (1729-1797)
Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event.
London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1790.
Octavo, stated second edition Todd’s 53e; ESTC T46575; 356 pages.
[Bound with] Thomas Paine’s (1737-1809) Rights of Many, London: Printed for J.S. Jordan, 1791, stated second edition, 171 pages, with half-title; ESTC T5866; bound in contemporary full speckled sheepskin binding, joints cracked, endcaps chipped, contents generally good, with contemporary red morocco label reading “Burke & Paine” on spine, 8 3/8 x 5 in.
$600 – $800
[economics] canard, nicolas-françois (c. 1750-1833)
Principes d’Économie Politique.
Paris: Chez Buisson, 1801.
First edition, octavo, with three folding typographical tables; uncut in the original wrappers with original printed spine label, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 in.
Einaudi 830; Goldsmiths 18122; Kress B.4350; cf. also Theocharis, Early Developments in Mathematical Economics London: Macmillan, 1989.
$2,000 – $3,000
[economics] debreu, gérard (1921-2004)
Theory of Value: an Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium.
New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.; London: Chapman & Hall Ltd., [1959].
First edition, in publisher’s blue cloth and original dust jacket, published as Monograph 17 by the Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics of Yale University; spine of dust jacket sun-faded, a few short tears, owner’s name in ballpoint pen on ffep, 9 x 5 3/4 in.
$1,000 – $1,500
[economics] di gennaro, domenico, duke of cantalupo (1720-1803)
Annona o Sia Piano Economico di Pubblica Sussistenza.
Nizza: Presso la Societa Tipografica, 1785.
Second edition, 12mo, uncut, in original decorative paper wrappers, errata leaf present after last signature, 6 3/4 x 4 1/4 in.
Di Gennaro’s rare work on public subsistence was published while he served on the Supreme Council of Finance for the Kingdom of Naples.
Rare at auction; this edition is the only one in Worldcat, no copies of the first edition traced.
$300 – $500
[economics] four mid-20th-century titles.
1) Elton Mayo’s The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization, Boston: Harvard University, 1945, octavo, second impression, in publisher’s cloth and original dust jacket.
2) Friedrich A. Hayek’s Individualism and Economic Order, University of Chicago Press, 1948, first edition, octavo, in publisher’s blue cloth.
3) Jan Tinbergen & J.J. Polak’s The Dynamics of Business Cycles, a Study in Economic Fluctuations, University of Chicago Press, 1950, first edition, octavo, bound in publisher’s terra-cotta cloth with original dust jacket.
[and] 4) W.W. Rostow’s The Stages of Economic Growth, Cambridge: at the University Press, 1960, first edition, octavo, very good in publisher’s cloth with original dust jacket. (4)
$300 – $500
[economics] french: three 18th century works.
1) Louis de Beausobre’s Introduction Generale à l’Etude de la Politique, des Finances, et du Commerce, Amsterdam: Schneider, 1765, two octavo volumes bound as one, new edition, bound in full contemporary leather, gilt-tooled spine;
2) Gabriel Bonnot de Mably’s Des Principes des Negociations pour Servir d’Introduction au Droit Public de l’Europe, Amsterdam: Jean Schreuder et Pierre Mortier le Jeune, 1757, octavo, bound in full contemporary leather, gilt-lettered and decorated spine;
[and] 3) Gabriel Bonnot de Mably’s Doutes Proposes aux Philosophes Economistes, sur l’Ordre Naturel et Essential des Societes Politiques, The Hague: Chez Nyon & Veuve Durand, 1768, octavo, bound in full contemporary leather with gilt-tooled spine, sizes vary, all bindings worn. (3)
$300 – $500
[economics] friedman, milton (1912-2006)
A Theory of the Consumption Function.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1957, published for the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, as number 63 in their General Series, first edition, octavo, near fine in publisher’s blue cloth and very clean unclipped dust jacket, 9 x 5 3/4 in.
$800 – $1,200
[economics] friedman, milton (1912-2006)
Capitalism and Freedom.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, [1962].
First edition, octavo, with no additional publication notes on copyright page, “with the assistance of Rose D. Friedman” on title page, 202 pages, in a very good price-clipped dust jacket priced (some minor surface abrasions fading and short tears to jacket), in publisher’s blue cloth, lettered in gilt; dated signature from 1963 in ballpoint pen to ffep, 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 in.
$1,000 – $1,500
[economics] friedman, milton (1912-2006)
Nine Titles.
1) Income from Independent Professional Practice, with Simon Kuznets, New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1945, publisher’s blue cloth, no jacket;
2) Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, ed. Friedman, University of Chicago Press, 1956, publisher’s blue cloth, no jacket;
3) the Demand for Money: Some Theoretical and Empirical Results, New York: National Bureau of Economic Research Inc., 1959, Occasional Paper 68, saddle-stapled pamphlet in publisher’s limp paper wrappers;
4) Price Theory: A Provisional Text, Chicago: Aldine Publishing, 1962, first edition, large quarto in printed limp covers;
5) The Balance of Payments: Free versus Fixed Exchange Rates, with Robert V. Roosa, Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1967, publisher’s green cloth, no jacket;
6) Monetary Statistics of the United States, Estimates, Sources, Methods, with Anna Jacobson Schwartz, New York: Columbia University Press, 1970, first edition, in publisher’s cloth and unclipped dust jacket;
7) A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis, New York & London: Columbia University Press, 1971, NBER Occasional Paper 112, in publisher’s blue cloth boards, no jacket;
8) An Economist’s Protest, Glen Ridge, NJ: Thomas Horton & Co., 1972, softcover;
[and] 9) Free to Choose: A Personal Statement, with Rose Friedman, New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980, first edition, in publisher’s binding and very good unclipped dust jacket. (9)
$600 – $800
[economics] jevons, william stanley (1835-1882)
Investigations in Currency and Finance.
London: Macmillan & Co., 1884.
First edition, almost completely unopened throughout, many plates, including full-paged and folding, and a very large linen-backed table bound inside the back board as issued; bound in very good publisher’s pebble-textured russet embossed cloth with gilt-tooled spine, slightly crumpled at head of spine, otherwise in excellent condition, contemporary ownership inscription dated 1892 on ffep, bookplate of Hawthorn Farm inside front board, some light foxing to pastedowns and flyleaves, 8 3/4 x 5 1/2 in.
$200 – $300
[economics] keynes, john maynard (1883-1946)
A Treatise on Money.
London: Macmillan & Co., 1930.
First edition, two octavo volumes bound in full publisher’s blue cloth, lacking dust jackets; ex library King’s College with two very small overlapping stamps on the copyright page of the first volume indicating ownership & discard, no other library stamps; bookplate of Moses & Mary Finley inside the front board of volume one; 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 in. (2)